Almora Beyond the Horizon



I have been working with Almora Beyond the Horizon since September 2022.
The work has ranged from creating and editing Mail chimp campaigns, website updates, designing a new logo, social media management and most recently creating an introduction video for Zoom classes along with editing the classes and posting to YouTube.

New Logo: The team at Almora were after a logo refresh to be more symbolic and representative of their business. The new logo incorporates the yin-yang symbol into the sunrise over the ocean. The logo needed to be more fluid and less structured Like their previous logo was. The Brand fonts were also updated to better match the new logo but still needed to keep similar structures. I have also created small versions of the logo so that it is still legible at smaller sizes.

Website Updates & Maintenance: Almora Beyond the Horizon's website is a digital gateway to their philosophy and offerings. I have taken on the responsibility of keeping the website up-to-date with new courses and events. Eventually There will be a full website refresh making to more user friendly and accessible.

Introduction Video for Online Classes: One of our standout achievements has been the creation of a captivating one-minute introduction video, setting the tone for Almora's online classes. The video starts with a breathtaking shot of the sun rising over the Earth, symbolising the dawn of a new journey. It weaves in Almora's inspirational quotes and showcases sacred sites, immersing viewers in the essence of Almora's teachings. This video not only captivates the audience but also imparts a sense of wonder and anticipation before each online class.

I have recently finished creating all the content for Almora's upcoming Uluru trip. which can be found on this page.

© Reuben Davern 2024